<text>Bean, W. E., California: An Interpretive History, 5th ed. (1987);Beck, Warren, and Haase, Ynez, Historical Atlas of California (1974; repr.1985); Bell, C. G., and Price, C. M., California Government Today, 3d ed.(1987); Bullough, W. A., et al., The Elusive Eden (1987); Caushey, John W.,California: A Remarkable State's Life History, 4th ed. (1982); Caushey, John,The California Gold Rush (1974); Crouch, W. W., et al., California Governmentand Politics, 7th ed. (1981); Hill, Gladwin, Dancing Bear: An Inside Look atCalifornia Politics (1968); Hornbeck, David, California Patterns: AGeographical and Historical Atlas (1983); Hutchinson, William H., California 2ded. (1988); Lavender, D. S., California--A Place, a People, A Dream (1986);Lee, Eugene C., and Hawley, Willis D., eds., The Challenge of California(1976); Miller, C. S., and Hyslop, R. S., California: The Geography ofDiversity (1983); Morgan, Neil B., The California Syndrome (1969); Peirce, NealR., The Pacific States of America (1972); Rogers, Everett, and Larsen, J. K.,Silicon Valley Fever (1986); Seidman, Laurence I., The Fools of '49: TheCalifornia Gold Rush (1976); Wallers, Dan, The New California (1986); Watkins,Tom H., California: A History (1983); Wyatt, David, The Fall into Eden (1986).</text>
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<text>When the first Europeans arrived, in the early 16th century, the region ofCalifornia was inhabited by a relatively sparse Indian population, scattered inmany small, fairly independent groups that lived mainly as hunter-gatherers.Among the Indian groups were the HUPA, POMO, Wishosk, and Yuki, in the north;the Costano, Miwok, Salinan, and Yokut, in the center; the Mono and Panamint,in the east; and the Chumash, Serrano, and Diegueno, in the south. Juan Rodriguez CABRILLO, a Portuguese navigator exploring for Spain, wasprobably the first European to see California. Sailing north from present-dayMexico, he visited San Diego Bay in September 1542, before continuing on pastSan Francisco Bay, which he did not see. The next major voyage along the coastwas made by the English navigator Sir Francis DRAKE, in 1579. He arrived in theSan Francisco area and claimed the region of northern California, which hecalled Nova Albion, for England. Fearing English intrusion, the Spanish sentseveral coastal expeditions, including that of Sebastian VIZCAINO to MontereyBay in 1602-03. But no European settlements were established until CaptainGaspar de PORTOLA, the Spanish governor of Baja California, led an expeditionnorth in 1769-70, partly in order to offset Russian activity. During thejourney, forts were established at San Diego and Monterey, thus asserting aminimum of Spanish control. Father Junipero SERRA went along on the expedition, and in 1769 he founded aFranciscan mission, San Diego de Alcala, near modern San Diego. This was thefirst of a string of 21 missions, ranging to Sonoma (north of present-day SanFrancisco), founded by the Franciscans during the next 54 years. The Indiansfelt the economic and social presence of the Europeans mainly through themissions, as the Spanish officials tended to neglect California. The missionscontrolled much land, and, using Indian labor, they produced large quantitiesof cattle hides and tallow (the area's chief exports at the time) and fruit andvegetables. The Indians living at the missions were forced to work hard andreceived few economic rewards; they were given instruction in Christianity,however, and were taught some new skills. California was little affected by the political upheavals in Mexico during1808-11. In 1812 the Russians established Fort Ross along the northern coast(near the mouth of the Russian River) as a trading and fur-trapping center,which they maintained until 1841. In 1821 Mexico gained independence fromSpain, and in 1822 California (known as Alta California) became a province ofthe new nation. For a time, about 1825-35, the Mexicans sought to exert controlover California, but they had little success, and the region generally wasneglected thereafter. A major conflict between the central government of Mexicoand California was over the missions. The Mexican government sought tosecularize the missions by selling their great landholdings to privateindividuals, and after several false starts this was accomplished during1834-40. Many large private estates were thus established. During the 1840s a few hundred U.S. citizens moved into California to farm,hunt, and trade. They were aided by John A. SUTTER, a Swiss who held a vasttract of land at present-day Sacramento. In 1843-46 Captain John C. FREMONT ledtwo U.S. government surveying expeditions into California. In May 1846, theUnited States went to war with Mexico over Texas (see MEXICAN WAR). Thefollowing month, before news of the outbreak of war had reached California, agroup of U.S. citizens under the influence of Fremont captured the Mexicanpresidio at Sonoma and raised a flag with one star, a picture of a grizzlybear, and the words "California Republic" (see BEAR FLAG REPUBLIC). Thisshort-lived event is known as the Bear Flag Revolt. On July 7, 1846, CommodoreJohn D. Sloat claimed California for the United States by raising the U.S. flagover Monterey. This episode was followed by the easy conquest of California byCommodore Robert F. STOCKTON, General Stephen Watts KEARNY, and other U.S.soldiers. California was officially transferred to the United States by theTreaty of GUADALUPE HIDALGO, signed Feb. 2, 1848. On Jan. 24, 1848, a few days before the treaty was signed, gold had been foundat a sawmill (owned by Sutter) on the South Fork of the American River, atColoma. News of the discovery spread rapidly, and a gold rush was soonunderway, bringing thousands of "forty-niners" to stake claims in northernCalifornia. San Francisco grew as a gateway to the area. From 1848 to 1850 thestate's white population more than tripled, to 93,000 inhabitants. After heateddiscussions in the U.S. Congress concerning the spread of slavery, Californiawas admitted to the Union as a nonslavery state on Sept. 9, 1850 (seeCOMPROMISE OF 1850); it was the country's 31st state. California's firstcapital was San Jose; the capital was moved later to Vallejo and then toBenicia before Sacramento became the permanent capital in 1854. Althoughproslavery sentiment was considerable in southern California, the entire stateremained in the Union during the Civil War, a war that had little direct effecton Californians. Gold production had peaked in 1852 and thereafter declined rapidly. During the1860s agriculture grew in importance as productive fruit- and grain-producingfarms were developed in the Central Valley, and viticulture flourished invalleys north of San Francisco. Economic growth was furthered by thecompletion, in 1869, of the first transcontinental railroad, which linkedSacramento with the rest of the nation. Four Californians--Charles Crocker,Mark Hopkins, Collis P. Huntington, and Leland STANFORD--helped finance therailroad, and their Southern Pacific Company exerted great influence over theeconomy and the political life of the state in the late 19th century. Some30,000 Chinese laborers were brought to California to help build the railroad,and they remained in the state after its completion. When poor economicconditions in the 1870s led to a high rate of unemployment, the white settlerswere bitter toward the Chinese, who were willing to work for low wages.Anti-Chinese riots occurred in San Francisco in 1877. In 1882 the federalgovernment enacted a law prohibiting further Chinese immigration. The economy of California improved in the 1880s, and southern California,especially the Los Angeles area, began a period of rapid growth. Citrus grovesaround Los Angeles started to produce large quantities of fruit in the late1880s, major petroleum fields were discovered in the same region beginning inthe early 1890s, and the first motion picture produced in southern Californiawas completed in 1907. In 1906 San Francisco was devastated by a greatearthquake and fire. California politics, dominated for many years by the Southern Pacific Company,underwent major reforms in the early 20th century, especially during thegovernorship (1911-17) of Hiram W. Johnson, a founder of the Progressive party.During Johnson's administration, the political power of the Southern Pacificwas greatly reduced; the initiative, referendum, and recall were adopted(1911); a state budget system was created; and many other reforms were passedto make the state government more responsive to popular needs. California'seconomy benefited from the opening (1914) of the Panama Canal (which greatlyshortened the sea route between the east and west coasts) and from the manyfactories established in the state to help meet the requirements of the U.S.effort in World War I. The state's population grew rapidly in the 1920s,increasing from 3,427,000 in 1920 to 5,677,000 in 1930, as farming and industrywere developed. California was deeply affected by the Great Depression of the1930s. The state's high unemployment rate was exacerbated by the influx of manyimpoverished farmers from the Dust Bowl region of the American West. Suchmigrants were depicted in the novel The Grapes of Wrath (1939) by JohnSTEINBECK, a California author noted also for his descriptions of life in hisnative Salinas Valley. California's economy improved greatly during World WarII, as the state became a major center for building aircraft and ships. Duringthe war, persons of Japanese descent living in California were placed indetention camps both inside and outside the state, and much of their propertywas confiscated. Prosperity continued into the postwar period, and the population increased atan amazing pace, jumping from 10,586,000 in 1950 to 15,717,000 in 1960. Most ofthe growth occurred in the south, where sprawling urban and suburban areas werelinked by numerous limited-access highways. Able governors like Earl WARREN (inoffice, 1943-53) and Edmund G. "Pat" Brown (1959-67) helped Californians meetsome of the social and economic problems that accompanied the rapid growth, butCalifornia was the scene of several major social protests in the 1960s. California's blacks, largely confined to ghetto districts in the Los Angelesand Oakland metropolitan areas, organized campaigns to end racialdiscrimination in housing, education, and employment. In 1965 rioting occurredin the predominantly black Watts district of Los Angeles, and similar violentoutbursts by blacks occurred in several other California cities in themid-1960s. At the same time the state's Mexican-Americans, sought to improvetheir marginal existence. Cesar E. CHAVEZ attempted to organize migrant farmlaborers, most of whom were of Mexican descent, but in the face of stiffopposition by farm owners he made little progress until the mid-1970s. The FreeSpeech Movement (which began in late 1964) at the University of California atBerkeley set a pattern for many other campaigns in the country to increasestudent influence over the management of institutions of higher education.Several major protest demonstrations against U.S. military involvement inSoutheast Asia took place in California, mainly during 1965-71. The state alsowas a center of youthful counterculture groups, such as the hippies who livedin the HAIGHT-ASHBURY district of San Francisco in the mid-1960s. In the 1970s, under Governors Ronald W. REAGAN (in office, 1967-75) and EdmundG. "Jerry" BROWN, Jr. (1975-83), the son of "Pat" Brown, California tried tomeet such pressing environmental problems as air and water pollution andthreats to the natural beauty of the coastline from development. In 1978,California voters overwhelmingly passed an initiative (called Proposition 13)that mandated a major reduction in property taxes. Under Governor GeorgeDeukmejian in the 1980s the state's economy grew in most sectors; the moststriking demographic development was the fast growth of the Asian segment ofthe population.</text>
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<text>California has the most productive economy of any U.S. state. Its moderneconomic growth began in the second half of the 19th century, and the greatestspurt came after 1940.AgricultureCalifornia's annual cash receipts from farming are consistently far greaterthan those of any other state. California farms vary greatly in size, but mostof them are relatively large. More than two-thirds of the cropland isirrigated; mechanization is another factor contributing to the state'sagricultural preeminence. A wide variety of farm goods is produced in thestate, and California is the nation's leading, or only producer of manycommodities. Cattle, milk, cotton, and grapes are among the state's chiefsources of farm income. Other major products of California are grain (mainlybarley, wheat, and maize), vegetables (notably tomatoes, lettuce, cauliflower,broccoli, carrots, brussels sprouts, spinach, and celery), other fruit(principally apricots, peaches, pears, plums, cantaloupes, strawberries,apples, figs, avocados, and citrus fruit), and nuts (including almonds,walnuts, and macadamia nuts). Important farming regions in California include the Imperial Valley, in whichhighly mechanized farms produce great amounts of vegetables, cotton, alfalfa,and fattened cattle; the Coachella Valley (north of the Salton Sea), noted forits carrots, table grapes, grapefruit, and dates; the coastal southernCalifornia area, with a large output of citrus fruit, dairy goods, andvegetables; the Central Valley, producing huge amounts of vegetables, fruit,grain, dairy goods, nuts, and livestock (cattle, sheep, turkeys); the SalinasValley, producing much lettuce, poultry, and almonds; the Santa Clara Valley,growing great quantities of apricots, pears, cherries, and plums; and the NapaValley, noted for its wine grapes. Many of these regions are importantsuppliers of winter fruits and vegetables to the entire nation.Forestry and FishingCalifornia has large forest-products industries, producing lumber, pulp, andpaper. The Sierra Nevada and the northwest part of the state are the chiefsources of timber; the principal trees cut are Douglas fir, redwood, and yellowand sugar pine. Fishing also is a major industry in California, along with fish canning. SanPedro (a district of Los Angeles) is one of the nation's leading fishing portsand also has canneries and processing plants. Other important fishing centersinclude San Diego and San Francisco. Marine fish make up almost all of thecommercial catch; the chief species caught are tuna, mackerel, and anchovies.MiningIdentified with mining since the 1848 gold rush, California usually ranks amongthe top three or four states in the annual value of its mineral output. Of themany minerals produced, the most valuable are petroleum, cement, natural gas,and sand and gravel. California leads the nation in the production of asbestos,boron, portland cement, diatomite, gypsum, sand and gravel, natural sodiumsulfate, and tungsten. The mineral output of the state also includes muchborax, iron ore, mercury, salt, and talc. Gold, largely responsible for thestate's growth in the mid-19th century, was mined in relatively smallquantities in the late 20th century.ManufacturingCalifornia ranks first among the states in manufacturing, having expandedsteadily in the 20th century in such areas as food processing early on and morerecently in the electronics industry of "Silicon Valley." The leadingcategories of fabricated goods produced in the state are transportationequipment, processed food, and electrical and electronic goods. Thetransportation equipment included aerospace products (notably airplanes), madeprincipally in the Los Angeles area and in San Diego; motor vehicles, assembledin Oakland and in the San Jose and Los Angeles areas; and ships, constructed atLong Beach, San Diego, and San Francisco. The state's food products includedcanned and frozen fruits and vegetables, processed meat, canned fish, andbeverages (wine, fruit juices). Major centers of fruit and vegetable processinginclude the Los Angeles and San Francisco areas, Bakersfield, Fresno,Sacramento, San Jose, and Stockton. Electrical and electronic goods made inCalifornia included communications equipment, household appliances, and motors.The Santa Clara Valley, Sacramento, and the Los Angeles area have numerousfirms producing and developing electronic equipment. Other goods manufacturedin California include steel (at Fontana, Los Angeles, Pittsburg, and Torrance);textiles and clothing; refined petroleum; metal, wood, and plastic products;chemicals; and printed materials. The Los Angeles area (particularly theHollywood district, Burbank, and Culver City) is the nation's chief center forproducing motion pictures and television programs.TourismCalifornia each year attracts millions of tourists, lured by the state'sequable climate and beautiful scenery, its outdoor recreation opportunities,and the cultural offerings. Popular urban tourist spots include themotion-picture and television studios of the Los Angeles area; DISNEYLAND, alarge amusement park at Anaheim; the San Diego zoo and Sea World; andFishermen's Wharf, Chinatown, and other parts of San Francisco. Many personsvisit the state's five national parks (Kings Canyon National Park, LassenVolcanic National Park, REDWOOD NATIONAL PARK, SEQUOIA NATIONAL PARK, YOSEMITENATIONAL PARK) and its eight national monuments (including Death ValleyNational Monument, Devils Postpile National Monument, and Muir Woods NationalMonument), as well as other units of the National Park Service.TransportationCalifornia is well supplied with land, air, and sea transport facilities, butit has few inland waterways. Motor-vehicle transport is especially important,and in the mid-1980s California had approximately 19 million registered motorvehicles, far more San Francisco is a terminus of two famous vehicular bridges,the Golden Gate Bridge and the San Franciso-Oakland Bay Bridge. Some railroadscontinue to operate but are less important than other transportation. The state's busiest airports are the Los Angeles and San Franciscointernational airports and the airport at Santa Ana. California's several majorseaports include Oakland (with one of the world's largest concentrations offacilities to handle containerized shipping), San Francisco, and Richmond, onSan Francisco Bay; Eureka, on Humboldt Bay; Los Angeles-Long Beach; and SanDiego. The state's few important inland commercial waterways include the lowerSacramento and San Joaquin rivers, and the Stockton Ship Canal.EnergyIn the mid 1980s California's installed electric generating capacity was about41,900,000 kW, and the annual production of electricity was some 121.7 billionkWh. About two-thirds of the electricity is generated in thermoelectric plants,mainly burning refined petroleum or natural gas; five nuclear power facilitiesoperate in the state. About one-third of the state's electricity is produced byhydroelectric installations, including ones on the Colorado River and on theOwens Valley and San Francisco aqueducts.</text>
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<text>California is governed under a constitution of 1879, as amended; a previousconstitution had been adopted in 1849. The chief executive of the state is agovernor, elected to a 4-year term; a governor may serve an unlimited number ofterms. California has a bicameral legislature, made up of a 40-member Senateand an 80-member Assembly; senators are elected to 4-year terms and are limitedto two terms. Assemblymen are elected to 2-year terms and are limited to threeterms. State laws can be passed directly by voters through an INITIATIVE, andlaws approved by the legislature can be challenged by voters in a REFERENDUM.The highest tribunal in California is the supreme court, composed of 7 justicesappointed by the governor to 12-year terms. The state five-member board ofsupervisors plus several countywide elected officials. California isrepresented in the U.S. Congress by 2 senators and 43 representatives; thestate has 45 electoral votes in presidential elections. Most voters in California consider themselves independent of partyaffiliation, and politics at the state and local level have a fluid quality,with neither party holding a decisive advantage. On some issues, such as waterdiversion, divisions are more pronounced between northern and southernCalifornians than between Democrats and Republicans. The Republicans, however,have dominated the governorship for most of the period since 1900. In contestsfor the U.S. presidency the Democrats carried the state from 1932 through 1948,but since then the Republican candidate has usually won in California.</text>
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<text>California is widely known for its excellent educational institutions and forits rich cultural life.EducationThe 1849 California constitution called for a statewide system of free publiceducation; in 1866 the state passed legislation assuring sufficient tax revenueto support elementary schools, and a 1903 law extended public support to highschools. The school system grew rapidly in the 20th century; in the late 1970sabout 3,000,000 pupils were enrolled annually in public elementary schools, and1,430,000 students each year attended public secondary schools. Many ofCalifornia's colleges and universities are supported with public funds (seeCALIFORNIA, STATE UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES OF), and the state has a largenumber of community colleges. The nation's first tax-supported junior collegewas established at Fresno in 1910. Among the state's better-known institutions of higher education are theCalifornia Institute of Technology (established 1891), at Pasadena; theClaremont Colleges; Mills College (1852), at Oakland; Pepperdine University(1937), at Los Angeles; Stanford University (1885), at Stanford; the Universityof the Pacific (1851), at Stockton; the University of San Diego (1952); theUniversity of San Francisco (1855); the University of Santa Clara (1851); theUniversity of Southern California (1880), at Los Angeles; and Whittier College(1901), at Whittier. Advanced learning also is pursued at specialized privateinstitutions like the Rand Corporation, at Santa Monica.Cultural InstitutionsAll of California's larger cities support institutions devoted to learning andthe arts. Notable museums include the M. H. de Young Memorial Museum, withexhibitions of American Indian, European, and Oriental art, and the CaliforniaPalace of the Legion of Honor, featuring displays of French painting, both inSan Francisco; the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, with fine collections ofEuropean furnishings and paintings, the Los Angeles County Museum of NaturalHistory, with Ice Age fossils from the LA BREA asphalt pits in Los Angeles, andthe Southwest Museum, with displays of American Indian artifacts, all in LosAngeles; the Crocker Art Gallery, in Sacramento; the Henry E. HUNTINGTONLIBRARY, Art Gallery, and Botanical Gardens, in San Marino; the J. Paul GETTYMUSEUM, with noteworthy holdings of ancient Greek and Roman art, in Malibu; andthe San Diego Society of Natural History Museum. Several important researchlibraries are located in the state. These include the Los Angeles PublicLibrary (about 5.4 million volumes, many destroyed or damaged by fire in 1986);the Stanford University libraries (5.1 million volumes, including the libraryof the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace), at Stanford; theUniversity of California at Berkeley library (6.3 million volumes); and theUniversity of California at Los Angeles library (5.2 million volumes). Both Los Angeles and San Francisco have respected symphony orchestras, and SanFrancisco has a noted opera company. Included among the numerous theaters inthe state are the Mark Taper Forum in Los Angeles and the American ConservatoryTheater in San Francisco.Historic SitesAmong California's places of historic interest are Cabrillo National Monument,at San Diego, commemorating the voyage of the Spanish explorer Juan RodriguezCabrillo in 1542 (see History below); Fort Point National Historic Site, at SanFrancisco, with a large 19th-century fortification; John Muir National HistoricSite, at Martinez, including the home of the famous naturalist; and several18th-century Franciscan missions, at or near San Diego, San Juan Capistrano,Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Carmel, and other places.Recreation and SportsAmple opportunities for year-round outdoor recreation are found in California;camping, backpacking, and skiing in the mountains; and fishing and water sportsalong the coast. The state's 6 national parks and numerous public forests, aswell as Lake Tahoe, are recreation and vacation centers. Major-leagueprofessional sports teams are located in San Diego, Anaheim, Los Angeles, SanFrancisco, and Oakland.CommunicationsCalifornia, with important entertainment industries, is well supplied withradio and television stations and also daily newspapers. Among the moreinfluential dailies are the Los Angeles Times, the Oakland Tribune, theSacramento Bee, the San Diego Union, the San Francisco Chronicle, and the SanJose Mercury News. The state's first newspaper, the Californian, was initiallypublished in 1846 in Monterey.</text>
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<text>California, the nation's most populous state, had a resident population of29,760,021 at the time of the 1990 census, with a population growth rate ofmore than 25% during the 1980s (compared to the national growth rate of 9.8%).California has had a high rate of population growth ever since it became astate in 1850. In the post-World War II era, the highest growth rates (of about50%) occurred in the decades 1940-50 and 1950-60. Much of the growth stems fromthe large numbers of persons migrating into the state. The great majority of California's inhabitants are white, but there aresignificant communities of minority groups. The state's Asian population, whichgrew by 127% between 1980 and 1990, is the fastest growing ethnic group, andAsians now make up nearly 10% of California's population. Within the variousAsian communities, San Francisco's Chinese-American community is perhaps thebest known. Many from that group are descended from persons who immigratedduring 1850-79 to work in the goldfields and on railroad construction. Personsof Hispanic origin, with a 69.2% population-growth rate (about 25% of the totalstate population) comprise the second-fastest-growing ethnic group in thestate. The heaviest concentration of Hispanics (known as Chicanos) is found inLos Angeles County, where the group comprises nearly 40% of the population. Theblack population, which grew by 21.4% during the 1980-90 decade, constitutes7.4% of the total state population, about the same as during the previousdecade. There are also about 242,164 American Indians (nearly 1% of the state'spopulation) in California. The largest religious denomination in California isthe Roman Catholic church; large Protestant bodies include Baptists,Episcopalians, Methodists, and Presbyterians. There is also a sizable Jewishcommunity. Most of California's population is classified as urban, and in 1990 the statehad 44 cities with 100,000 or more inhabitants. The largest city, by far, isLos Angeles, followed by, in order of decreasing population within the cityproper, SAN DIEGO, SAN JOSE, San Francisco, LONG BEACH, OAKLAND, SACRAMENTO(the capital), FRESNO, SANTA ANA, ANAHEIM, RIVERSIDE, and STOCKTON, all ofwhich have populations greater than 200,000. Most of California's major urbanareas are located near the Pacific coast.</text>
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<text>California is a state of great scenic beauty, and it is well endowed withnatural resources. Its highest point is Mount WHITNEY (4,418 m/14,494 ft), theloftiest point in the conterminous United States; and its lowest point, inDEATH VALLEY (86 m/282 ft below sea level), is the lowest point in the WesternHemisphere.Physiographic RegionsCalifornia has a varied and complex topography, the main features of which arethe large Central Valley and the mountain ranges that enclose it. The Central,or Great, Valley, about 805 km (500 mi) long and 80 km (50 mi) wide, includestwo major drainage basins: the SACRAMENTO RIVER system, in the north, and theSAN JOAQUIN RIVER system, in the south. Both ultimately empty into the PacificOcean. In the extreme southern part of the valley is a region of interiordrainage, formerly occupied in part by Tulare and Buena Vista lakes. The Central Valley generally is very flat, with elevations of less than 150 m(492 ft). It is mostly overlain by deep deposits of fertile alluvium, washeddown from the mountains. The valley is bounded on the northwest by the KlamathMountains, a rugged, forested range, with peaks reaching an altitude of morethan 2,700 m (8,900 ft). The southern portion of the CASCADE RANGE borders theCentral Valley on the northeast. The Cascades include isolated lofty volcanicpeaks, the highest of which is Mount SHASTA (4,317 m/14,162 ft), as well ascinder cones, lava flows, and beds of ash, pumice, and tuff. LASSEN PEAK (3,187m/10,457 ft) is one of the two active volcanoes in the conterminous UnitedStates. Lassen last erupted in 1914-21. To the east of the Central Valley is the great SIERRA NEVADA, a north-southmountain barrier with many peaks rising more than 4,267 m (14,000 ft); thehighest point is Mount Whitney. The range is a vast fault block with a granitecore. The western slopes are cut by deep river canyons, such as the YosemiteValley, that were formed in part by glacial action. DONNER PASS (2,161 m/7,089ft high) is part of an important route across the Sierra Nevada. The Central Valley is bounded on the west and south by the COAST RANGES, whichextend parallel to the Pacific from the Klamath Mountains to Point Conception,with a break at San Francisco Bay. Component parts of these mountains includethe Diablo, San Rafael, Santa Cruz, and Santa Lucia ranges. The northern partsof the Coast Ranges are forested and have fertile valleys (such as the NapaValley), whereas the drier southern portion is covered with chaparral, a densebrush, or with oak-grass woodlands. The SAN ANDREAS FAULT, a fracture in theEarth's crust, cuts through the Coast Ranges; movements along the fault causeperiodic earthquakes. Southeast of the Coast Ranges are the Transverse Ranges, a group of east-westtrending mountains that include the Santa Monica, San Gabriel, and SanBernardino mountains. The highest point is Mount San Gorgonio (3,506 m/11,502ft), in the San Bernardino Mountains. The Transverse Ranges enclose manyvalleys and lowlands, but the only large expanse of flatland is the Los AngelesLowland, the site of the city of Los Angeles. South of the Los Angeles Rangesare the Peninsular Ranges, part of a system that extends into the BajaCalifornia peninsula of Mexico. To the east of California's major mountain systems are extensive regions ofarid basins and valleys, with several other mountain ranges. In the northeastand east-center are parts of the GREAT BASIN; the latter area includes DeathValley as well as the Panamint range. In southeastern California is the largeMOJAVE DESERT and the Salton Trough, which includes the SALTON SEA and theIMPERIAL VALLEY. The state has about 1,348 km (838 mi) of coastline along the Pacific Ocean.Much of it is rocky and rugged, such as in the Big Sur region, but southernCalifornia has numerous large sand beaches. The Channel Islands (see SANTABARBARA ISLANDS), which include Santa Catalina Island, are located in thePacific near Los Angeles.Rivers and LakesThe principal rivers of California are the Sacramento and San Joaquin, whichmerge shortly before emptying into the Pacific Ocean via San Francisco Bay.Most of the state's other large rivers flow into either the Sacramento or theSan Joaquin. Additional important rivers not part of these systems include theColorado River, which forms California's southeastern border; the Kern River,in the south central part of the state; and the Klamath River, in thenorthwest. Many of the state's smaller streams flow only during a few months ofthe year. California has many large natural lakes. These include Lake TAHOE, astride theborder with Nevada; Goose Lake, straddling the boundary with Oregon; HoneyLake, in the northeast; and the shallow Salton Sea, in the south, formed(1905-07) by floodwaters of the Colorado River. The state also has numerousartificial lakes, created by dams on rivers. These include Lake Oroville, ClairEngle Lake, Folsom Reservoir, Lake Berryessa, and Shasta Lake.Water DistributionNatural water supplies in California are distributed unevenly and do notparallel the need. The northern third of the state receives about 70% ofCalifornia's total annual precipitation, but the southern two-thirds (withlarge population centers, huge tracts of farmland needing irrigation, andnumerous industrial establishments) requires about 80% of the water. As aconsequence, several great projects have been constructed to transfer water tothe south. These include the immense California Water Project, which deliversFeather River water (gathered at Oroville Dam) to the San Francisco area, theSan Joaquin Valley, Los Angeles, and San Diego via more than 900 km (559 mi) ofaqueducts; the Central Valley Project, which transfers waters of the SacramentoRiver system to the southern part of the Central Valley; the All-AmericanCanal, which carries water from the Colorado River to the Imperial Valley; andthe Owens Valley and Colorado River aqueducts, which supply water to the LosAngeles area.ClimateCalifornia has a varied climate pattern, the result of its complex topographyand wide latitudinal range. Most of the state has only two distinguishableseasons--a rainy period (October to April) and a dry period (May to September).Annual precipitation is greatest in the north, especially near the coast, whichreceives about 2,032 mm (80 in) of moisture yearly. The south gets much lessprecipitation; Los Angeles receives only about 381 mm (15 in) and San Diegojust 254 mm (10 in). Desert areas receive even less moisture. Temperatures are mild along the coast, with relatively small variationsbetween the warmest and coolest months; the southern coast is somewhat warmerthan the central and northern coasts. The average recorded January temperaturein Los Angeles is 13 deg C (56 deg F), and in San Francisco it is 10 deg C (50deg F); the mean recorded July temperature in Los Angeles is 22 deg C (72 degF), and in San Francisco it is 15 deg C (59 deg F). The Central Valley oftenhas a mild climate, but other parts of the interior are either markedly hotter(Death Valley and the Mojave Desert, for example) or colder (the lofty peaks ofthe Sierra Nevada).Vegetation and Animal LifeCalifornia's great climatic and topographic diversity is reflected in thevariety of its plants and animals. Forests cover about 42% of the state; almosthalf the forestland is in California's 22 national forests. The humid northwesthas dense coniferous forests, which extend south along the coast past Monterey;these coastal forests include numerous tall trees, especially the redwood(ranging to about 113 m/371 ft high). The forests thin toward the east, andmuch of the Coast Ranges is covered with chaparral. The Sierra Nevada foothillsand coastal southern California also have much chaparral. Higher parts of theSierra Nevada and some sections of the Transverse and Peninsular ranges arecovered by woodlands of conifers, especially yellow pine. The Sierra Nevada isnoted for its massive sequoia trees. California's deserts have a sparse coverof xerophytes (drought-resistant plants), including many types of cactus in theMojave Desert. Large mammals, such as deer, bears, and cougars, are found in the northwestand in the Sierra Nevada. Chaparral areas have deer, rabbits, coyotes,rattlesnakes, tortoises, and many rodents. Desert wildlife, surprisingly rich,includes bighorn sheep, wild burros, coyotes, hares, sidewinders (a variety ofrattlesnake), and numerous lizards. The extremely rare California condor, thelargest bird of North America, is found in the Transverse ranges. The state'srivers and lakes contain salmon, bass, and trout; coastal marine waters arenoted for their shellfish and grunion.Mineral ResourcesCalifornia has economically important deposits of many minerals. Among the moreimportant are crude petroleum and natural gas, found in the southern CentralValley and in coastal southern California (both onshore and offshore); boronand tungsten, located in the deserts of the southeast; and sand and gravel,found in most parts of the state. Other minerals include asbestos, copper,feldspar, gold, iron ore, mercury, potash, rock salt, soda ash, sulfur,uranium, and zinc.</text>
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<text>California, a state of the far-western United States, is widely known for itsgreat natural beauty, its highly productive farms and factories, and itsinnovative social and political ideas. Its many cities include LOS ANGELES, amajor center of the entertainment and aerospace industries, and SAN FRANCISCO,a sophisticated financial center. Often depicted as a fabulous land ofopportunity, the state has lured millions of migrants since the mid-19thcentury, when gold was discovered there, and by the late 1970s it was thenation's most populous state. California is bordered by Oregon on the north, byNevada and Arizona on the east, by Mexico on the south, and by the PacificOcean on the west. The state is named after a fictional island of great wealthdescribed in a novel (published about 1500) by the Spanish writer Garci Ordonezde Montalvo; the name was probably first applied (early 16th century) to thesouthern tip of Baja California by the Spanish explorer Hernan Cortes.LAND. 411,047 sq km (158,706 sq mi); rank: 3d. Capital: Sacramento (1990 pop.,369,365). Largest city: Los Angeles (1990 pop., 3,485,398). Counties: 58.Elevations: highest--4,418 m (14,494 ft), at Mount Whitney; lowest--86 m belowsea level (-282 ft), at Death Valley. PEOPLE. Population (1990 resident census, 29,760,021; rank: 1st; density: 73.5persons per sq km (190.4 per sq mi). Distribution (1988 est.): 95.7%metropolitan, 4.3% nonmetropolitan. Average annual change (1980-90): +2.6%. EDUCATION. Public enrollment (1988): elementary--3,317,194;secondary--1,300,926; higher--1,541,305 . Nonpublic enrollment (1980):elementary--312,200; secondary--97,900; combined--92,300; higher(1988)--212,259. Institutions of higher education (1987): 314. ECONOMY. State personal income (1988): $531 billion; rank: 1st. Median income,4-person family (1989): $42,813; rank 12th. Nonagricultural labor distribution(1988): manufacturing--2,148,000 persons; wholesale and retailtrade--2,869,000; government--1,935,000; services--3,075,000; transportationand public utilities--586,000; finance, insurance, and real estate--813,000;construction--607,000. Agriculture: income (1988)--$16.6 billion. Fishing:value (1988)--$199 million. Forestry: sawtimber volume (1987)--312 billionboard feet. Mining: value (1986)--$8.3 billion. Manufacturing: value added(1987)--$134 billion. Services: value (1982)--$157.9 billion. GOVERNMENT (1992). Governor: Pete Wilson, Republican. U.S. Congress: Senate--1Democrat, 1 Republican; House--27 Democrats, 18 Republicans. Electoral collegevotes: 47. State legislature: 40 senators, 80 representatives. STATE SYMBOLS. Statehood: Sept. 9, 1850; the 31st state. Nickname: GoldenState; bird: California valley quail; flower: golden poppy; tree: Californiaredwood; motto: Eureka ("I have found it"); song: "I Love You, California."</text>
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